If you are searching for a Horse Farm, equine retirement, equine boarding, equine rehabilitation, post-op, or lay-up. Saddle Creek Farm is the place you are seeking. We offer a great climate and carefully monitor our pastures to allow the horses to develop bonds with other horses in small groups as nature intended. Your horse will not be leaving behind his creature comforts as we groom all the horses on a regular basis and feed twice a day.
As horse owners ourselves, we understand the concerns regarding where and how your horse will spend his retirement days. We understand your need to know that we will take care of your horse the way you want us to, all day, every day. Saddle Creek Farm is here to provide you with an economical, guilt free solution to your search for a horse farm retirement home.
We have tailored our program to fit the needs of a horse farm equine rehab, layup and retirement facility. Our facility is designed to take time and worry from the owners and we put the daily emphasis on caring for the horses, instead of just boarding and feeding them. We offer all of the services you would expect from a horse farm retirement & boarding facility, including quality hay, well maintained facilities and strong professional relationships with equine veterinary services and farriers to assist us in caring for your horse. Our feeding program was developed by an Equine Veterinary Services and is regularly monitored.
For whatever reasons, there comes a time for equine retirement of well-loved horses. is more than being “put out to pasture” and thereafter ignored and simply allowed to age or to sicken until death. Just as with humans equine retirement should be filled with years of continuing normal, stress-free and work-free life accompanied by excellent care in the company of other retired equines. That is as nature and compassionate owners desire.
Not only is there a time for horse retirement there is also a place for it. Just as the equine owner would select the best possible retirement home for a beloved family member, horse owners can investigate and select the finest place for their equine partners after those horses have served them well and have returned their love over many years. Saddle Creek Farm should be on top of the list.
Professionally and compassionately operated, Saddle Creek Farm is safe, secure, and provides loving care to every horse accepted for retirement. A horse’s overall needs are met, rather than the horse just being boarded and fed. As nature would also arrange, retired equines are carefully introduced into small groups of other retired equines after a suitable period. This provides them with suitable companionship. Living in closed herds like this also reduces exposure to potential illness and possible injury from non-companion animals.
When a horse is retired to Saddle Creek Farm we understand that its many needs do not also retire. Instead, those continuing needs are professionally satisfied by our application of hands-on care. We are not remote owners. We live on-site. With our over 20 years of equine care experience; we truly have the knowledge, the experience, and the compassion for our equine retirement charges – your retired equines. We have many professional contacts to add to our own attributes, so you can understand why Saddle Creek Farm is great choice for horse retirement.
The Saddle Creek Farm equine retirement facility is augmented by being fully equipped, staffed, and experienced for the medical and equine rehabilitatiion needs of retired equines. This is of the highest importance to equine owners who must retire their horses due to injury or illness, and not just because of advanced age. We have close relationships with skilled Veterinarians who provide in-depth equine medical and surgical resources. Thus, Saddle Creek Farm can offer the horse owner equine Veterinarians service such as surgery, neurological treatments, recuperative assistance following spinal fusion, and many other elements of personalized treatment and equine rehabilitation care.
Saddle Creek Farm places great emphasis on caring for injured horses, young horses, and retired equines that need more than just careful pasturing and watchful surveillance. Complete equine veterinary services are close at hand, with there being regular consultation with the equine veterinary services of San Luis Rey Equine Hospital, Creek Side veterinarians Service, West Coast Equine, and other field equine veterinary services. San Luis Rey Equine Hospital is a facility close by, 30 minutes from the farm, and is one of our Equine Veterinary Services providers. There is a farrier on call for hoof trimming and corrective shoeing. There is also an equine dentist on call. With equine care, all of these equine veterinary services are necessary. They are all right here at Saddle Creek Farm.
The experienced and compassionate staff of Saddle Creek Farm provides care for retired equines 24 hours a day, both pastured horses and those needing care in the oversized stalls in our lay-up barn. Working closely with our consulting veterinary, a treatment and recovery solution is designed and followed. This provides for the best treatment outcomes for equine rehabilitatiion, retiree patients and adds to the peace of mind of equine owners.
Saddle Creek Farm in Southern California is the sort of professional equine retirement facility that any sensible horse would choose. That may be true; however, horses don’t get to choose. Their owner-partners have to make the selection for them. Some, those who are less caring owners, may consider only the auction house. Those who care want their equine partners retired into a safe and normal life among others of their kind, loved and well looked after by their professional friends of Saddle Creek Farm.
Thanks for visiting the Saddle Creek Farm web site and please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding our services or the horse farm retirement & boarding facility.